2024 DBF Exhibitors
In addition to hundreds of authors, book signings, performances, and food trucks, we have a stellar round-up of exhibitors to help bring the book festival to life.
1010 Publishing
Booth #: 223
Website: www.1010Publishing.com
A M.R.S. K
Booth #: 321
Website: https://linktr.ee/momsraisingsouthernkids
A Small Place Bookshop
Booth #: 217
Website: https://www.asmallplacebooks.com
Aishah Hight
Booth #: 326
Website: aishahhight.com
Allison Entrekin
Booth #: 317
Website: www.allisonentrekin.com
Anderson Multicultural Books
Booth #: 122
Website: andersonmulticulturalbooks.com
Arabia Mountain National Heritage Area
Booth #: 126
Website: https://arabiaalliance.org/
Ask Your Dad book
Booth #: 220
Website: funbrellabooks.com
Atlanta Vintage Books
Booth #: 115
Website: https://www.atlantavintagebooks.com/
Author Ebony Q
Booth#: 110
Website: authorebonyq.com
Award-winning Atlanta author, journalist Josh Green (SECRETS of ASH; Urbanize Atlanta)
Booth #: 205
Website: https://joshrgreen.com/beans
Bailey Wailey
Booth #: 117
Website: Www.baileywailey.com
Barbara Mostella
Booth #: 212
Website: barbaramo08.com
Booth #: 201
BFF Publishing House
Booth #: 313
Website: https://www.bffpublishinghouse.com/
Booth: 310
Website: IG: @bibliotech
Bill Hearn
Booth #: 206
Website: amazon.com/author/hearn.marias.child
Black Women of Yalobusha County
Booth #: 116
Website: www.blackwomenofyalobusha.com
Booth #: 124
Website: https://booklogix.com/
Brian R. Page
Booth #: 103
Website: https://www.inventingtheairplane.com/
Carrigan Richards
Booth #: 221
Website: https://carriganrichards.com/
Ceron & His Fidget Spinning Locket
Booth #: 213
Website: www.averetteconsultation.com
Child Study Center
Booth #: 105
Website: thelumenlab.org
Christy Sims
Booth #: 202
Website: www.christysims.com
Colin and The Cool Kidz
Booth #: 136
Website: www.scholarsalwaysriseabove.com
Domonique Jackson
Booth #: 113
Website: www.gloryhousepublishingco.com
Dr. Kara Zajac
Booth #: 311
Website: www.karazajac.com
Duck Duck Groom
Booth #: 214
Website: www.duckduckgroom.com
Evangelia VanPatten
Booth #: 102
Website: evanpatten.com
Faith (FM) Knight and RM Johnson
Booth #: 323
Website: https://therealknightauthor.com
For F**k’s Sake, Ask Your Dad books
Booth #: 220
Website: funbrellabooks.com
Frank Clay Jr.
Booth #: 225
Website: Www.frankclayjr.com
Georgia State University Library
Booth #: 127
Website: https://library.gsu.edu
Georgia Writers Association
Booth #: 134
Website: https://www.georgiawriters.org/aboutus
Gina Gallois – Moonflower Press
Booth #: 123
Website: https://moonflowerpress.com/
Booth #: 227
Website: www.heathermariebooks.com
Booth #: 324
Website: barnesandnoble.com/w/hell-bent-arman-ashouri/1145515680?ean=9798881177720
Hub City Press
Booth #: 137
Website: hubcity.org
Booth #: 315, 316
Website: https://v01.icnaatlanta.org/
J.B. Wiggins
Booth #: 318
Website: www.domhansaga.com
James Radford
Booth #: 319
Website: www.jamesradford.com
Jennifer Nestor
Booth #: 227
Website: www.jennestorauthor.com
Jenny Guberman
Booth #: 310
Website: https://www.jennyguberman.com
Booth #: 112
Website: https://www.tryhardmommy.com/
Karim Shabazz
Booth #: 132
Website: Www.karimshabazz.com
Kennesaw State University M.A. in Professional Writing
Booth #: 134
Website: https://radow.kennesaw.edu/mapw/index.php
KHB Publishing
Booth #: 130
Website: www.KimHarveyBrannan.com
Kiss and Tale Romance Bookshop
Booth #: 216
Website: Kissandtalebookshop.com
Kohlhaas : Hello Anxiety
Booth #: 312
Website: https://www.helloanxiety.net/
Kris Bird
Booth #: 121
Website: KrisBirdAuthor.com
Kubik Fine Books
Booth #: 120, 133
Website: www.kubikbooks.com
Lee Clark’s Matthew Paine Mysteries
Booth #: 111
Website: https://cypressrivermedia.com/
Lisa Brown
Booth #: 307
Website: www.browntownidiomas.com
Lynette Bacon-Nguyen
Booth #: 224
Website: Lynettebaconnguyen.com
Lynne Russell, Author
Booth #: 128
Website: LynneRussell.com
M.P. Halliday
Booth #: 106
Website: mphalliday.com
McCracken Poston Jr.
Booth #: 109
Website: mccrackenpostonjr.com/
Mercer University Press
Booth #: 215, 228
Website: https://www.mupress.org/
Miracle Movement
Booth #: 131
Website: www.miracle-movement.com
Navigating the Caregiver’s Journey by Michelle Gunnin and Melinda Jenkins
Booth #: 309
Website: www.michellesmosaic.com
Nicki Grace
Booth #: 135
Website: Nickigracenovels.com
One Mile at a Time – Edward Rahill
Booth #: 320
Website: https://edwardrahill.com/
Pam Avery & Tom Barnes/Shades Creek Press
Booth #: 119
Booth #: 101, 114
Website: RaisingReadersUSA.com
Peabody Book Emporium
Booth #: 314
Website: peabodybookemporium.com
PM Press
Booth #: 107
Website: https://pmpress.org
R. Gregory Christie (GAS-ART GIFTS)
Booth #: 125
Website: www.rgregorychristie.com
Rumor Mill Press
Booth #: 226
Website: www.brandibradley.com
Ryan Joiner
Booth #: 222
Website: amazon.com/Books-Ryan-Joiner/s?rh=n%3A283155%2Cp_27%3ARyan+Joiner
Sharon Paskoff, Author
Booth #: 104
Website: www.sharonpaskoff.com
Sherrie Sperling,LCSW
Booth #: 218
Website: readlearnandshare.com
Showalter Foundation
Booth #: 308
Website: www.Showalterfoundation.org
Star Noble
Booth #: 210
Website: gothambooksinc.com
Sue Boardman
Booth #: 325
Website: sueboardman.com
Tai D Anderson
Booth #: 108
Website: www.taidanderson.com
The Public Health Photo Contest Project
(Bangladesh’s First-Ever Public Health Photo Contest Project)
Booth #: 306
Website: https://www.facebook.com/gkphotocontest
The Saffron Books
Booth #: 138
Website: thesaffronbooks.com
The University of Georgia Press
Booth #: 207, 208
Website: ugapress.org
The Waldorf School of Atlanta
Booth #: 211
Website: www.waldorfatlanta.org
Unapologetic Power, LLC
Booth #: 204
Website: www.allysonroberts.com
Valencia Weaver
Booth #: 118
Website: wswbooks.com
Wayward Cat Publishing
Booth #: 209
Website: https://waywardcat.com/